Terra Pharmaceuticals
We have designed and initiated our efforts for "Health for the Future" by focusing on society, environment, and individuals in order to ensure a healthy and quality life at every age.
We Increased the Percentage of Female Employees.
As a responsible employer, we trust in the power of women and support their participation in the workforce. Therefore, we prioritize maintaining a high percentage of women among our employees and their increasing representation in management. As of 2022, we have increased the percentage of female executives to about 50%.

We Participated in the "Sustainability" Education Program.
As Terra Pharmaceuticals, we attended the training provided by Tuv Austria Turk to understand the impacts of climate change on "Sustainable Health," facilitate adaptation to these changes, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by increasing awareness among all our employees. By conducting this training in a virtual environment, we eliminated the need for our employees from different regions of Turkey to travel, thus reducing our carbon emissions.
We Received the ISO 14064-1 Greenhouse Gas Verification Report.
ISO 14064-1 is the standard for calculating and reporting corporate-level greenhouse gas emissions, which is prepared to address the global impacts of climate change. As part of our journey towards sustainability, we have obtained our first certification, the ISO 14064-1 Greenhouse Gas Verification Report, accredited by TÜV AUSTRIA Group.

We Established the "Terra Environmental Volunteers" Group.
In order to carry out practices aimed at enhancing environmental awareness, we have established the "Terra Environmental Volunteers" group with the participation of our employees from different regions of Turkey.
We realized the Sapling Donation Project with Tema Foundation.
With our understanding of protecting nature and natural resources, we realized the sapling donation project with Tema Foundation for "Combating Desertification and Drought".

"Recycling Movement" Event with Şile Municipality
Under the leadership of the Terra Environmental Volunteers team, we carried out the Ayazma Beach - Environmental Clean-Up event in collaboration with Şile Municipality, involving our employees. Afterwards, we visited the Şile Waste Collection Center and sorted the collected waste for recycling.
We Reduced Packaging Sizes In Our Plants
To protect the environmental heritage, we implemented a reduction in packaging and carton sizes without altering the current forms and contents of our products. This contributed to a decrease in paper consumption and reduced transportation and storage volume, thereby lowering greenhouse gas emissions. With this change, we achieved a reduction of approximately 10% in total volume.

We Directed Our Waste to Recycling.
We reinforced our commitment to continuous improvement by directing waste products such as pallets, cardboard, and waste paper used within the warehouse to recycling areas.
We Implemented the Milk Run Model in Our Shipments.
Due to the growth of our production capacity and the increase in our product range, we revamped our supply chain to ensure the accurate and timely delivery of demands. In line with our sustainability approach, we aimed to reduce carbon emissions along with time and fuel savings by combining technology and sustainability. As a result, we implemented the "Milk Run" model, a material flow management application. This implementation allowed us to save time, labor, and vehicle fuel.

*Milk run; is a system used to ensure the timely and necessary supply of materials from suppliers in the required quantities, reducing inventory costs by reducing material stocks. In this system, routes are planned considering the route length, and the loaded parts on the vehicle are arranged for unloading at various locations.

We Achieved a 20% Increase in the Ratio of Hybrid Vehicles in the Field Team.
One of our goals is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and improve the quality of the air we breathe. Therefore, we have embraced environmentally friendly and economically advantageous hybrid vehicles in our fleet. Within our field team, we have achieved a 20% increase in the proportion of these eco-friendly vehicles.
We Started Making Informative Sharings to Raise Awareness for Sustainability.
We have adopted sustainability as a part of our culture, and we have started to share informative posts in order to raise awareness in social, economic and environmental dimensions as an indicator of social sensitivity.
