Terra Pharmaceuticals
With the flag we took over in 1998, we have been serving for the upbringing of healthy generations in Turkey and the international pharmaceutical sector for more than two decades.
We have taken on our duty in line with the goals of strengthening the pharmaceutical industry, reducing external dependency, increasing employment, achieving technological transformation, becoming more capable to do export and contributing to the economy in our country.
We carry out product development and manufacturing processes in accordance with international quality standards, domestic and international sales and marketing activities to offer different human medicinal product alternatives in the treatment areas needed. We strive with determination and with all our efforts to facilitate access to treatment and increase life quality by offering new and modern drug options in the fight against diseases. Our most important feature making us who we are is that we are open to development and focused on quality at all times.
In order to sustain the resources we currently have in the future as well, we aim to create healthy future generations by following a policy respecting the environment, animals and people.
We will continue to contribute to the development of the Pharmaceutical Industry in our country and to work in a devoted, sincere, patient and determined manner to move it further.
For healthy tomorrows...
Yours sincerely,
Öztürk Oran
Terra Pharmaceuticals Board of Directors Chairman